interviews INVITATIONS

RCbbc sends out our latest Invite, to anyone who’s willing to add their responses to following optional questions:

  • who is interviewed: victims/partners/parents/children?
  • what has been the biggest (hidden) CSA side effects?
  • where have you been comfortable/uncomfortable talking about it?
  • why have you now been able to talk about it?
  • when has the longterm effects of the CSA started sinking in?
  • how have you been able to move on, with these impacts?

it’s up to the guest, how they are referred to (named, nickname, anonymous, ‘character’, etc). recordings can also be changed, when you request anonymity. just as how detailed their answers to these questions are. it’s not about blaming, rather creating another area where we’ll have a chance to share more of what results staying silent has had on other CSA victims/partners/parents/children. thanks in advance, to anyone who’s able to talk about these personal issues!

andrew messenger, the guardian

andrew messenger, the guardian

hopes are that more of your details are making there way to andrew messenger’s journalistic resources of the guardian. in combination with these, increased amounts of podcasts are being planned alongside recent changes to ndis support workers. stay tuned!

References of #3 Podcast

With hopes of Sharing the latest Podcast (#3) & building interest in these spoken forms of media, here’s a glimpse of the related release info. Transcript should also be posted, later on. Related glitches have been worked on, which should soon lead to the entire Podcast #3 being Shared …

Royal Commission into Institutional Responses to Child Sexual Abuse

Faulty takeoff …

Unsure what is happening, I’ve working to the point of publishing our 3rd Podcast, THEN everything seems to go wrong 💥🧱 !

sometimes, when you just feel like a(-nother) rat – down the plug hole …
  1. First attempt was a detailed iPad ‘project’ … FAIL.
  2. Second was a quicker + patchier laptop ‘project’ … FAIL.
  3. Now, I’m going to try reaching out to our Buzzsprout Publishers, for any of their help!
then you realise, ‘what you’re doing is helpful to others’.

Emotional > Family-Friend-Social

Together with the 1st journalist piece(s) focusing on BBC’s victims, families, survivors + losses – now appears best time to change focus away from the physical parts of our bodies, into the legally-unaddressed issue of ‘Social Abuse’. This often involves Emotional Abuse, together with variability’s including an unaddressed issue of “victim swapping”:

”Ooh, well we’re not going to go down that ‘rabbit hole’”

Cmsr robert atkinson, 2015

Ironically these pieces of ‘rabbit holes’, unaddressed issues and avoided inspections are now leading to further social rightness being achieved! Although traditional beliefs convinced following generations to “learn from their elders”, they are now taught the opposite: ‘question what you’re taught, allowing minds to be creative’. Vulnerability: children, disabled, family tensions and those at risk each form parts of our society’s vulnerabilities.

no, this is not a fish; Vulnerability image; DuckDuckGo.