Take Your Power Back

Take Your Power Back: Healing Lessons, Tips, and Tools for Abuse Survivors

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Take your power back, Evelyn M. Ryan

If ā€œIā€™d been looking for ā€˜this kinda bookā€™, for so longā€ sounds familiar – this could be the answer! Both suggested + reviewed by others in our league, here are some short examples of what it contains:

ā€œAs you discover and come into your own truth, you will gain the following:

            ā€¢   emotional strength as your self-confidence and self-assurance build
            ā€¢   an awareness of what triggers your painful emotions and moods, and an improved ability to cope with them before the pain escalates
            ā€¢   more responsiveness to outside influences as you become less reactive
            ā€¢   a feeling of safety in your own body
            ā€¢   confidence in your ability to consciously choose your response to situations that are in your best interest with due consideration for others, rather than emotionally gambling by unconsciously reacting in unhealthy ways to gain othersā€™ approval and avoid pain

        Mentors, coaches, and therapists can be instrumental in guiding you through the process, but the answers to truth-based healing reside in us. We must seek them out and apply them by reaching into the core of our being for the answers. The point is this:
        You must uncover and discover to recover.ā€

Ryan, Evelyn M. (2015). Excerpt from (p.25/188)

This book isnā€™t an easy read, but thatā€™s not what readers of it are looking for. Answers, methods + solutions are what it contains, which is what this writing aims for! If anything can make surviving-victims of child-sexual-abuse feel better, itā€™s knowing that there are things like this book.


Ran, Evelyn M. (2015). Take your power back. Retrieved via https://books.apple.com/au/book/take-your-power-back/id1068414334.

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