“You’re not alone!”

It’s relieving to know that the figures leading into Feb 20 are that RCbbc Blog has reached 691 Subscribers + 39 Followers. To each of the viewers of our Support Group – “You’re not alone!


The honesty raised through many of these Discussions, Statements + Meetings often leads to Qld Justice being supported in their ongoing matters. Through the Sharing of related postings, local-national-global news events often reveal common patterns of CSA behaviour.

theconversation.com – international students

As ‘International Students’ began being focussed on, around Australia Day, 2020 will now have another focus of peers on. While celebrating Australia’s global reputation in foreign countries, some of these postings may reveal further angst amongst ESL (English as Second Language) families. Obviously, it’s beneficial for all when a positive outcome is made of any negative settings.